Is your Microsoft AM missing functionality?

Streamline maintenance processes by efficient and consistent way managing a safety permit-to-work cycle.

  • Permits to work
  • Lockout


    The terms "lockout" refer to locks (literal or otherwise) used to prevent equipment use and notices warning workers of applicable hazards.


    The functionality offers:

    • Physically lock out your assets and log them in Asset Management
    • Create lockout points for machines or functional locations
    • Connect default Lockouts to Job Types - so that lockouts are created during specific types of jobs
  • Tagout


    Dynaway Safe Work Tagout module is used to ensure that maintenance work can be carried out in a safe way. You can create tagout records and add assets, work orders, and functional locations to a tagout. 


    The functionality offers:

    • Add tagouts to work orders, functional locations, and assets
  • Risk Assessment

    Risk Assessment

    Risk management is a crucial element of any modern organization’s operating strategy that ensures risk and consequences are considered on a daily and task-by-task basis.


    The functionality offers:

    • Identify hazards
    • Add precautions to work orders to mitigate hazards
    • Checklists Actions


  • Permits (Multiple WOs)

    Permits (Multiple WOs)

    This functionality is a part of the Safe Work module for permits. It enables the possibility to now have multiple references to work orders on a permit.
    permits for multiple workorders
  • Safe Work Overview

    Safe Work Overview

    The safe work overview functionality provides a new overview that contains a list of all work orders which have related lockouts, permits, tagouts, risk assessments, hazards and precautions.

    safe work overview

Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

Safety permits or Permit to work ensure that the worker is informed, trained, and supervised to minimize the risk of any potential human failure events from occurring. 

The functionality offers:

  • Creating Permits and Permits to Work
  • Approving Permits directly in Microsoft Asset Management
  • Setting up different roles to assign different approval tasks to different employees throughout your approval workflow
  • Preventing Work Orders from being completed before Permits to Work are filled in


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lockout safe work

Prevent accidents in the workspace

Benefits of safety management system:

  • high-risk activities are controlled, and
  • risks understood.
Improved human performance reduces number of work errors and improves workplace culture in general. Precautions and safety measures should be addressed in the safe working procedure and risk assessment.


tagout safe work

Avoid fines, downtime, and accidents

Having a safety management system in place  will bring several critical benefits:

  • Reduced risk of injury and death
  • Higher asset availability
  • Higher workforce morale
  • Reduced probability of fines
  • Lower insurance premiums

permit safe work


Safety permit-to-work are a written record authorizing a specific and dangerous work, at a specific location and for specific time period. Permit to work has a clear life cycle.

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