Empower your maintenance team to work efficiently anywhere, whether in a production facility or a remote site. With this mobile solution, they can perform tasks and record data seamlessly, regardless of internet availability. Boost your Maintenance Management strategy with the flexibility and efficiency of the Mobile Work Execution App.
Flexible and optimized work order planning in your maintenance department.
Easy Maintenance reporting and KPI's in Microsoft Asset Management and Dynaway EAM
Advanced Asset Management
Advanced Asset Management module creates additional functionality that is not available in Microsoft Asset Management.
Empower your maintenance department with digital work orders
Dynaway offers and develops modules built-in for Asset Management in Microsoft D365 Supply Chain Management as well as Dynaway EAM to create even more value for our customers.
c/o EG US Inc.
3030 North Rocky Point Drive West
Suite 655
Tampa, Florida 33607
Phone: (656) 242-8951
c/o EG A/S
Alfred Nobels Vej 21 B, DK-9220 Aalborg
Phone: +45 7013 2211
CVR: 25309103