Most Popular Advanced Asset Management Features

  • Checklist actions
    Automate related work order creation from a checklist

    The main functionality of checklist action is that the system automatically can create a work order based on the feedback from a checklist. You can link a checklist action to both a variable and a measurement line. A maintenance worker has a checklist entry where they can evaluate if something is working/not working. Then depending on the result, a new work order is generated. Furthermore, they can evaluate if something is above/below a certain value. An example is measuring degrees on a boiler. If below, then they need to heat it up. If above, they need to cool it down. 


  • Tool Crib Management
    Keep track of your tools and facilitate their registration

    The main functionality of the Tool crib is to provide easy management of tools not only for the maintenance department but also for the production department. Its main objective is to keep track of tools and help make sure they are in working order by facilitating easy registration of tool handout and return with the possibility to assess tool state on return and if failed immediately and easily create a repair work order for the tool with a description of the problem. 


  • Work Order Kitting
    Check inventory status for items needed for a work order

    This functionality provides you with an overview of which work order is ready for execution based on the inventory status check of items needed for the successful facilitation of specific work orders.


  • Lifecycle State Update Permission
    Expand your lifecycle state update permissions

    In the standard functionality, lifecycle state update permission setup applies for all workers without exception. With Advanced Asset Management, you can change the setup to specific workers. Our modification enables you with additional control over manual lifecycle state changes for assets, functional locations and work orders, and requests.  


  • Transfer Assets
    Transfer your Assets between legal entities

    The main functionality of transfer assets is that you can transfer selected assets and sub-assets to a different legal entity and receive assets from a different legal entity. 

    The records of the transferred assets remain in the original legal entity, but with a distinct lifecycle state (transferred) and in a special functional location (transferred assets), indicating that they have been transferred away from the original legal entity. 

    At the same time, new records of the transferred assets are created in a new (target) legal entity. Likewise, their lifecycle state and functional location indicate they have been transferred in (received). The transfer process has internal validation. 


Microsoft Asset Management vs Microsoft Field Service