Try out the module before investing your time and resources in implementing it. A proof-of-concept service is a project that we create specifically for your business to test whether the Asset Management module is the right solution for your organization.
We will help you identify your current maintenance processes and gaps and provide suggestions for improving workflows.
We have more than 20 years of experience with maintenance management built into Microsoft solutions across various industries. This experience allows us to provide valuable knowledge to your organization, with the purpose of identifying the best maintenance management solution for your company.
Use a chance to evaluate and test the module before binding yourself to implementation. You will learn what You can do with the system, not what the system can do.
Get an overview of your current workflows and maintenance processes
Identify gaps and assess opportunities for developing your maintenance management organization
Learn best maintenance management practices from our experienced consultants for optimizing maintenance processes
Equip your team with the knowledge and skills about Microsoft Asset Management Solution through hands-on on functional product training
Eliminate the potential risk of selecting the wrong solution for your organization
c/o EG US Inc.
400 N Ashley Drive, Suite 2651, Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (656) 242-8951
c/o EG A/S
Alfred Nobels Vej 21 B, DK-9220 Aalborg
Phone: +45 7013 2211
CVR: 25309103