Last updated: October 18th, 2023
To make Dynaway's websites work properly, we will sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. When you visit a Dynaway website for the first time, you will be asked to give consent to the use of Dynaway cookies on the Website or decline the use of all or some of the cookies.
We encourage you to accept the cookies used by the Website, as it will help us improve your and other people's experience when visiting the Website, and it will ensure all varieties of functionalities on the Website. Some of Dynaway's web pages will have content that can only be displayed if cookies are saved, and you should be aware that some features and services on our website may not be available if you do not accept cookies.
Please note that the use of necessary cookies is the only way to get a website to function as intended and does not require your consent.
Dynaway web pages use cookies, which may lead to the processing of personal data. We recommend that you read our privacy policy which describes our processing activities and your user rights.
1.1. Definitions
In this policy, "all websites managed by Dynaway" are referred to as the Dynaway website, the Website, or the Dyanway web page.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the web browser on your computer, smartphone, tablet or whichever technical device you use to access the internet and visit websites. Cookies may be used for multiple purposes, e.g., they can be used to save information about your activities on the internet. This means that cookies make it possible to recognise your technical device and remember you the next time you visit the website. A cookie is a passive file and, therefore cannot collect information on your computer or spread computer viruses or other malware.
Cookies can be divided into two groups:
Furthermore, cookies can be separated between:
We collect information via cookies in order to improve your user experience of our website and products, provide functionality, generate statistics, remember your preferences, and marketing purposes, tracking of your location, and customize our advertising on social media platforms.
The benefit for you is that you will save time next time you visit the EG website, as you do not have to enter the same information again and that the content will be adjusted to your preferences.
2.2 Third-party cookies
Dynaway may use third-party cookies. In order to further develop and improve our websites, we may use cookies from certain third parties who have items embedded in our website. The cookie is placed on your computer for necessary functionality, statistics, and online behavior.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by either delete, reject or deselect the location of cookies on your device, by changing the settings in your browser, or by visiting the permanent representation of the Cookie banner. However, where you find the settings might depend on which browser you use.
Please be aware that if you withdraw your consent, there are features and services on our website that you cannot use as they require the Website to remember the choices you make.
Persistent cookies delete themselves after varying periods but are updated automatically when you visit an Dynaway website again.
You can delete cookies that you have previously accepted. How you delete your cookies depends on which browser you use. If you use a devise with a newer browser, you can delete your cookies using the shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If the shortcut keys do not work and/or if you use an Apple device, you must find out which browser you are using, and then click on the relevant link:
Note that if you use multiple internet browsers, you must delete cookies in all your browsers.
We care about your personal information. Read about how we protect your privacy.
c/o EG US Inc.
3030 North Rocky Point Drive West
Suite 655
Tampa, Florida 33607
Phone: (656) 242-8951
c/o EG A/S
Alfred Nobels Vej 21 B, DK-9220 Aalborg
Phone: +45 7013 2211
CVR: 25309103