Maintenance & Asset Management Blog

Explore, learn, and grow together with Dynaway

Permit to Work: Major Risks, Necessary Precautions and Key Considerations

Walk around any typical industrial site and you'll see all sorts of maintenance...

The Permit-to-Work Life Cycle

Like any industrial process, a safety permit-to-work has a beginning, a middle, and an...

Prevent Accidents in the Workplace with a Permit to Work System

Digital transformation of Safe Work has gained momentum. With a workforce armed with...

How the Right Maintenance Data Tracking Can Benefit Your Company

As a maintenance manager, planner, or supervisor, you know how important it is to keep...

EAM in D365 (Asset Management in Microsoft Supply Chain)

In the new release for October 2019, Microsoft has announced a lot of new capabilities...

Microsoft Asset Management

Asset Management on Microsoft Dynamics®

Enterprise Asset Management versus Asset Management on Microsoft Dynamics® 365 for...

Microsoft Asset Management-min

Microsoft D365 Asset Management | Preview

We are pleased to announce the preview program of Dynaway EAM for Microsoft D365 Asset...

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Asset Management  Preview

INFOGRAPHIC: How To Choose The Right EAM Solution Provider?

In the sea of CMMS/EAM providers and solutions, finding the right one for your business...

How to choose EAM

[CASE STORY] Pattern Energy

Top-notch experience and world-class work effort from Dynaway Team –Pattern Energy

Natural Resources 9, Original-1

Dynaway EAM software in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Asset Management)

EG-owned Dynaway headquartered in Aalborg has done it before: sold a piece of software...