All You Need To Know About Technical Documentation: A Guide Enriched With Expert Insights

Jan 19, 2024 1:46:00 PM
Technical Documentation Article
All You Need To Know About Technical Documentation: A Guide Enriched With Expert Insights

Technical documentation is more than a collection of instructions on paper or screen — it is the cornerstone of communicating intricate information clearly and understandably. Beyond merely dictating tasks, it seeks to ensure comprehension with crystal clarity.

In other words, technical documentation is our cheat sheet for deciphering, utilizing, and maintaining technology. This article delves into the pivotal role of technical documentation, exploring how it transforms complexity into comprehensibility, making it an elementary toolkit for end users, developers and engineers, project managers, technical support teams, and others. 


  • Technical documentation is a set of written instructions and explanations that guide users, developers, or other stakeholders on how to use, maintain, or understand a product, system, or software. 
  • The primary goal of technical documentation is to convey complex information in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Technical documentation can serve various purposes, such as providing user guidance, facilitating collaboration or training and onboarding new employees. 
  • Online documentation is essential in today's digital age, offering users 24/7 access to accurate information, flexibility in learning, and a user-friendly experience.

The Role of Technical Documentation in the Software Industry

Technical documentation is a set of written instructions and explanations that guide users, developers, or other stakeholders on how to use, maintain, or understand a product, system, or software.

The core purpose of technical writing is straightforward: to avoid confusion and ensure information is conveyed clearly and simply.

In the role of a technical writer, the objective is to serve as a communicator, translating the technical team's language into an accessible format for readers—bridging the gap between technical experts and those less versed in the field. This documentation practice spans various areas, such as engineering, information technology, biotechnology, finance, and many others, aiming to simplify and clarify complex technical information.

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When it comes to technical documentation in the software industry, the significance of this documentation cannot be overstated. Let's dive into the key objectives of technical documentation in the context of software: 

1. Providing User Guidance

Technical documentation serves as a compass to users, helping them understand the software product's features, functions, and specifications."The most important part of it is definitely providing customers with the help they need, and knowing who your audience is is crucial to providing good quality documentation." - says Maja Hansen, a technical writer at Dynaway. By providing clear and comprehensive information tailored to a specific audience, technical documentation empowers users to make the most of the software's capabilities.

2. Facilitating Collaboration

Technical documentation enhances collaboration among team members involved in software development processes. It serves as a shared knowledge base, enabling developers, designers, marketers, and testers to understand the intricacies of the software and work together more effectively. By documenting specifications, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and version histories, technical documentation ensures that all team members are on the same page.

3. Training and Onboarding

Technical documentation is a crucial source of information for new employees who are joining the company. Documentation provides an in-depth understanding of the software and its development processes, making it easier for new employees to get up to speed with the company's technology. Technical documentation can include everything from written user manuals, videos, and easy-to-follow step-by-step instruction guides.

By providing comprehensive technical documentation, companies can ensure that their employees have the information they need to be successful in their roles, which ultimately helps the company achieve its goals.

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Types of Technical Documentation

Technical documentation can be divided into the following categories:

1. Product Documentation

Product documentation refers to the written materials that accompany a product or service, providing information about its features, functionality and use.

Imagine you've just purchased a brand-new product, and you're excited to start using it. However, upon opening the box, you're faced with a complicated set of instructions and diagrams that you don't quite understand. The initial excitement starts to wane as frustration creeps in. You find yourself questioning why a seemingly simple task has become so complicated. How are you expected to set up this new smart home device when you can't even understand the basic instructions provided?

You're not alone in this struggle. Many people face the same predicament when confronted with complex product documentation. The disconnect between the user and the instructions can quickly dampen the initial enthusiasm and leave a bitter taste in their mouths. But fear not, for there is a solution! This is where well-written, clear product documentation steps in.

Well-written product documentation doesn't just benefit the consumer - it also benefits the company. By providing clear and concise instructions, the user experience is enhanced, leading to increased customer satisfaction. This, in turn, can lead to repeated business and positive word-of-mouth. Additionally, effective product documentation can reduce support costs for the company, as customers are more likely to be able to troubleshoot issues on their own.

Examples of product documentation:

  • Release notes,
  • User guides,
  • Product manuals,
  • Video materials,
  • Product whitepapers. 

2. Process Documentation

Process documentation involves capturing the step-by-step procedures, workflows, and methodologies within a technical environment, often maintained and kept internally within a company. It serves as a guide for team members, detailing the sequential actions required to accomplish specific tasks or achieve predefined objectives. This kind of documentation is especially important in industries where it's crucial to follow specific steps or rules. It helps make sure things are done the same way every time, which makes everything run smoothly and efficiently.

Examples of process documentation:

  • Standard operating procedures (SOP),
  • Onboarding documents,
  • Training manuals,
  • Visual process maps.

3. Sales & Marketing Documentation

Sales and marketing documentation are instrumental in shaping an organization's image, attracting and retaining customers, and empowering sales teams. This type of documentation extends beyond technical specifications, focusing on creating compelling narratives about how software features can help solve specific problems within an industry.

Considering that employees typically spend 25% of their time searching and gathering information, having detailed documentation in place proves to be invaluable. Sales & marketing documentation can streamline the process by ensuring that the sales and marketing teams have immediate access to the necessary information.

Examples of sales & marketing documentation: 

  • Marketing plans,
  • Company reports,
  • Case studies,
  • Email templates,
  • Feature guides.

Best Practices for Creating Technical Documentation

Creating technical documentation can be a challenging task, as it requires a balance between technical expertise and effective communication skills. Technical writers must possess a deep understanding of the software or product they are documenting, while also being able to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner.

Despite these hurdles, with the right approach and guidance, crafting technical documentation can be made easier. We recently had a conversation with Maja Hansen, our technical writer at Dynaway, who shared with us some valuable insights on how to create effective technical documentation.

"The overall most important factor is knowing your audience, knowing different types of personas, what kind of information they are looking for, and also how they would like to receive that information because people have different learning styles." - explained Maja.

Let's break it down into three key points:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial when creating documentation. Technical language can be difficult to understand for many, so tailoring the content to their specific needs and level of expertise is important. Conducting research, surveys, and user interviews can provide valuable insights into their background, goals, and pain points. This information can be used to create more effective documentation.

2. Create Personas

Personas are fictitious profiles representing groups of individuals in a target audience that share similar characteristics. They are helpful in understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience and are commonly used in marketing and user-centered design.

Creating personas based on the information derived from the research can provide a useful framework for developing documentation that resonates with different user types. These personas can serve as a guide to ensure that the documentation addresses the specific needs and preferences of each group.

3. Consider Your Audience's Learning Style

Recognizing diverse learning styles is key. Some users may prefer step-by-step instructions, while others may benefit from visual aids or interactive tutorials. By offering a variety of formats and incorporating different learning strategies, such as diagrams, videos, and hands-on exercises, you can accommodate different learning styles and enhance the overall usability and accessibility of your documentation.

To delve deeper into the process of creating technical documentation, we invite you to watch this short video:

Online Documentation

Online documentation allows users to access the information they need anytime, anywhere. Based on Microsoft's report, 90% of users expect companies and organizations to offer an online portal for self-service, which indicates that in today's digital age, having an online knowledge base is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Luckily, online documentation fulfills this requirement.

With online documentation, users break free from the constraints of physical copies and the wait for customer support. They can swiftly navigate to the website or online portal to find the information they need at their convenience.

As Maja Hansen emphasizes, "It is essential to provide customers with a place where they can easily find the help they need." Whether it's troubleshooting an issue or learning how to use a product, online documentation allows users to access the information they need anytime and anywhere.

Blog Maja Quote

Thanks to online documentation being available 24/7, users are no longer bound by regular business hours and can access the information at their own convenience. This flexibility empowers them to troubleshoot issues or learn at their own pace, without having to wait for assistance.

Another benefit of online documentation is its constant updates and easy revision process. As new features or updates are released, the documentation can be quickly updated to reflect these changes. This ensures that users always have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information. It also provides reassurance to potential customers, as they can see that the documentation is regularly maintained and reflects the latest product offerings.

The searchability and navigability of online documentation also enhance the user experience. Users can easily search for specific information using search functions or browse through different sections to find what they need. This saves them time and effort compared to traditional documentation formats, where they would have to manually search through pages or flip through a manual.

Overall, online documentation is a convenient, accessible, and user-friendly solution for users to access the information they need about a product or service. With the increasing expectation of an online self-service portal, providing comprehensive and easily accessible online documentation has become a necessity for businesses in order to meet customer demands and ensure customer satisfaction.

Tools for Creating Technical Documentation

There are various tools for creating and managing technical documentation. The choice of tools often depends on factors such as the type of documentation, collaboration requirements, and personal preferences. Here are some examples of tools commonly used for technical documentation:

1. Microsoft Word

There are many different tools that you can use to create documents, but one of the most popular and widely known is Microsoft Word.

Everyone knows Microsoft Word - a user-friendly software that allows you to create, edit, and format all sorts of documents easily. It's especially popular for its ability to make documents look professional and polished, which is a great advantage when working on technical documentation.

One of the main benefits of using Microsoft Word for technical documentation is that it provides a range of formatting options, including fonts, styles, and layouts. You can also add images and other graphics to help illustrate your points and make your document more engaging. Additionally, it allows you to create a table of contents and organize large documents in a way that is easy to navigate.

Another useful feature of Microsoft Word is its collaboration capabilities. It allows multiple people to work on the same document at the same time, which is particularly helpful when working on team projects. The "Track Changes" feature keeps a record of all the changes made to the document, which makes it easier to review and approve changes. Finally, the built-in grammar and spell-checker is a helpful tool that ensures your document is free of errors and mistakes.

2. Jira + Confluence

If you need more than just a simple content writing tool, you can find it beneficial to use Jira and Confluence by Atlassian. By combining Jira and Confluence, teams can establish an efficient workflow for technical documentation. Jira handles project management aspects, tracks tasks, and integrates with development workflows, while Confluence provides a collaborative platform for creating, organizing, and presenting technical documentation. This integration fosters a cohesive environment where technical writers, developers, and other stakeholders can collaborate seamlessly.

3. Document360

Document360 promotes itself as a "self-service platform to build, share and manage knowledge base, product documentation, manuals, SOPs, Wikis and more."

Document360 is a Software as a Service (SaaS) knowledge base platform that can be used by companies in various industries to store, organize, publish, and access information in a centralized repository, for both internal and customer use. This platform allows you to create and organize documents in a more sophisticated manner.

You can easily edit text, add images and videos, and even manage feedback from others. Additionally, you can create your own "Business Glossary" and access AI features that can help you drive more organic traffic to your knowledge base. These features include a title recommender, business glossary generator, AI writer, article summarizer, related article recommender, and more. Furthermore, this tool offers SEO elements for each article. With Document 360, you have access to many article templates, and you can even import your existing Microsoft Word documents.

While Microsoft Word is versatile and widely used, the choice of documentation tool depends on specific requirements and preferences. For more complex documentation needs, specialized tools like Confluence or Document360 might be the right choice. However, for many general documentation tasks, Microsoft Word remains a reliable and accessible option.

Dynaway Help

According to Forbes, 73% of people prefer self-service over waiting for a reply. Self-service options can save customers time and thereby improve their experience with a brand, which is why it's important for businesses to provide these resources for their customers.

At Dynaway, we understand the importance of having comprehensive and easy-to-digest documentation - that's why we make sure to keep our documentation up-to-date and easily accessible for everyone. You can find all the information you need about our software products, including installation instructions and troubleshooting tips, by clicking on this link:

We believe that having detailed documentation is crucial for our customers and partners to get the most out of our solutions, and we are committed to providing the highest level of support possible.

Explore, learn, and thrive with Dynaway Help!

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